BP-WI441 - Wargames Illustrated 441


We review the latest hard plastic releases from Battlefront and Wargames Atlantic.


Dom Sore eyes a wide range of new and upcoming releases in his regular column.


Quick read pieces submitted by you, our fine readers, about your latest hobby exploits.

frame focus: Coat Couture

Matt Parkes paints this month’s French Napoleonic freebie frame, focusing on greatcoats suitable for different theatres.

theme: Fighting light against Napoleon

Bill Gray revisits light infantry, this time with an eye on the Allied coalition experience.

LEROS 1943

Ian Taylor reports on his game from the Joy of Six show - a German WWII Amphibious Assault to capture the Greek island of Leros.

theme: Ranger Commandos

Lisa Smedman dusts off an old copy of Ranger Commandos, and considers how this vintage children’s board game could be repurposed for modern wargaming.

My kingdom for a horse

Mike Peters presents rules for mounted Characters in Ruckus, his Medieval skirmish game.

theme: Still Flying the Flag

Barry Hilton, of The League of Augsburg, revisits a flag making technique he first shared with us back in 2006.

theme: Public Enemies - Part one

Nick Buxey presents a passion project in miniature, based on the lawmen and gangsters of 1933.

Scaling New Heights

We talk to Wargames Atlantic’s Hudson Adams about his company’s new venture into producing plastic 10mm figures.

The Evolution of Bolt Action

James talks to the author of Bolt Action (and numerous other wargames) as he prepares himself for the launch of the popular WWII ruleset’s third edition.

The VEHICLES of Vietnam - part two

In the second part of James’ Vietnam vehicles trilogy, he traverses the Ho Chi Minh Trail and suggests a ‘rolling road’ scenario.


Wargames Illustrated 441

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