AGM02 - Hannibal's African Veterans

Hannibal fought several major battles against the Romans following his invasion of Italy, which began in 218 BC. At the River Trebia and Lake Trasimene, Hannibal crushed Rome’s Legions, killing thousands. He took the best of the armour and weapons from the fallen, and re-armed his African troops. By the time of his greatest victory, at Cannae in 216 BC, Polybius says that Hannibal’s Libyans were indistinguishable from their Roman foes.

This box set allows you to make 21 hard plastic 28mm African Veteran spearmen, equipped in Roman armour, carrying Scutums and wearing a mix of Roman and Punic helmets. They can also be used to represent Imitation Legionaries of the Successor Armies of the Near East, spear armed Principes or standing Triarii, and Linothorax or mail clad Centurions.

Hannibal's African Veterans

Our Price: £11.50